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Prof Natasha Nassar

University of Sydney & Children’s Hospital at Westmead Clinical School

Professor Natasha Nassar (BEc, MPH, PhD) is a perinatal and paediatric epidemiologist, the Financial Markets Foundation for Children Chair in Translational Childhood Medicine and NHMRC Leadership Fellow at the Children’s Hospital at Westmead (CHW) Clinical School, University of Sydney. Professor Nassar is also the Charles Perkins Centre Populations Domain Leader with a key role in facilitating population-based research investigating cardiovascular disease, obesity, diabetes, and other related conditions across various disciplines.

Professor Nassar has expertise in a wide range of research methodologies, from the application and analysis of record-linked administrative health data ("big data"); to the design and conduct of randomised controlled trials, clinical surveys, systematic reviews, and meta-analyses. Professor Nassar is a recognised leader in leading and overseeing research utilising record-linked administrative data. This approach facilitates the investigation of socio-demographic and clinical risk factors, impact of treatment on health outcomes, wellbeing, health service utilisation and costs to the health system. These data linkage studies have addressed leading questions in maternal and child population health, long-term child health and development and health outcomes of adults and older people across the lifespan.

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